Friday, May 05, 2006


TIME TO CELEBRATE....I'M COMING HOME SO LEAVE THE LIGHTS ON......another semi sleepless night i found out it was not even the patient snoring but his son who slept in the room .....and he was the only one who slept...the SOB slept through everything..i have no idea why he was even there if something happened to his father he would have slept through it.....oh well plenty of time to sleep...this unexpected week in the hospital was a real eye opener as to how much the human body can many pokes and prodes...x-rays and ct scans...IV'S AND NO ZZZZZ....watercolors and woodwork...scaning the halls late at night..trying to make sense of it all..always and i mean always passing someone who is so much worse off then you could ever be.....people in street clothes invading our space..sometimes i wonder who the lucky ones are them or us...we are in control of our illness..they walk the halls not knowing if the should come or go ....not knowing what to say to their loved ones..holding back the tears until the walls of the halls offer them the santurary they here's to the people in street clothes today ( just put mine on for the first time in a week).....enjoy the sidewalk your loved ones are getting the best care did the right thing bringing them here..may they walk out on their own two feet soon and feel the wind at their backs again.....

see you in Huntington my friends....visiting hours are 9-9 monday thru sunday

thanks to the families fund for all your help.......TOM>>>homeward bound>>>Cheffo

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