Tuesday, September 19, 2006


What a fantastic trip......two trade shows... biz was real good.....visiting stores....kissing babies and shaking hands....my victory tour was in full swing....then all my buddies started to arrive......smiles all around......music seeping in.......beer started flowing......jokes started flying........and that was just in the first 5 minutes.....seeing stewart, mo and kev m, all my surf expo friends and the beautiful loose lucy gals was all that it should be....good friends and no bull.....hearing kev martin play the mandolin to our songs is something everyone should hear......i mean he just nails it every time.....to see tears in the eyes of the people i love is humbling at best..........sitting by the pool playing music after a long day smoozing shoe-people is i quess what pools are made for...even the security guard thanked us for playing and breaking up his night..... even told us where we could continue the jam after the pool had to be locked up........i reprinted the comments that were directed at part II take a look ....please send more...it is always a pleasure to hear from you'all......oh yeah try kissing the wind....you never know where it might end up.......all the peace you can handle.......tom....congrats to my Mets.........all the way boys


tom cheffo said...

TC!!!!!kent says

I heard it was nothing short of EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice....missed being there....but oh yeah...I was there...didn't you feel it?

love out......


12:03 AM

vansman said...
Surf Expo + LLCoolGang from SC + TC&Me + The Joe Blow Orchestra = one helluva good time each nite!! Don't think I'll ever be able to do that again- it has goten to a point beyond 'perma-grin'!!! So great to see everyone again... keep blogging on.
I heard it said by SK that everyone present ANY of fetivities MUST POST A BLOG!!!! KEEP IT GOING!! C'MON, YA'LL!!!!


3:15 PM

susan kaminsky said...
hey kev martin,
you are just lucky to get out of floriday only missing your capo, your recorder, your adapter cords,
and NOT
your shirt !! ! ! ! !
kev martin was wearing a t that said
'if the vans a rockin,
don't come knockin'
which for everyone not a-tuned (hee hee) to what that means,
it means
kev works for vans shoes,
and security usually knocks when we all get together,
what did you think it meant?????
luv ya man,
will blog when the meistro blogger,
song writer, guitar playing,
shoe sellin' storytellin' bagel eatin' cheffo puts a new post.....
luv y'all!

6:42 PM

shoeguru said...

yeah, i might have to retire that shirt, SK...I'll send it to you- OK?...could get me in some serious trouble, bein' a family man and all. You guys raffle it off for beer funds for the next trip, or just put in on the wall for nostalgias' sake- we'll all have a good laugh someday when we're too old to hear each other. Did you know you shouldn't stop at rest areas in southern GA wearing sh*t like that?...Doobs thought he taught me that recently, and i almost learned the hard way- don't ask.
And wow, i didn't even know i left my capo, too?... a second time? on the same trip?...duhhhhph. at least TC made it home with his beloved guitar strap- or did he?......
looking forward to that dvd- NOT!! will have to destroy the evidence. If you want in on the fun, come see us in the sun (or at least under a streetlamp, on a concrete bench, on the outside sidewalk outside of a certain hotel off Universal drive at 2am with a few annonymous sitters-in on the perimeter!! Priceless!