Monday, January 23, 2006

the kick is up....It's good

company bowling party..i think jason bowled a 32.......
congrats to pittsburgh and seattle...let's hope it is a good super bowl and not a bore fest like the last two has been a while that i have been home for the big game...hope to have my new tv in place before kick-off....i would be in utah at the outdoor retailer show if i didn't have this small medical problem to deal i love salt lake city in the winter...almost as nice as key west....
oh well....
heading into the darkness for a while wednesday with a 6-7 hour treatment....glad i had an easy one last week so my rep-pals and I could have some moments together.......main problem is the vein pain still but i can deal with that....already put my ordeer in with casey for french fries and some chicken nuggets......if you all expect me to be eating healthy now you got another thing coming....heehehehe

oh yeah we had great news with casey's trial vaccination for leukemia..her key markers in her blood turned negative for the first time...and she was the first person in the trial to have this is a very good sign for the cheffo family we are keeping our hopes up as usual..... but trying not to get to excited....let's see casey already had a big party and we took her out for dinner and i paid her phone bill...but we are not to excited heck it does not take to much to get me going....the love i have for casey and chris can never be giving justice on this blog you just gotta see them to believe them



Kaminsky said...

hi guy!
yes, it is nice in key west, but it has been a little stressful to the tune of i am wanted for many counts of stupidittry (sp?)
anyway, i have only been here for 28 hours and havok has been had!
more on that later,
sending you a cool margharita and some warm sun shine from the bottom of the u.s.a.
smiles, suntans, and black and white striped clothing for all!
off to ft jefferson in the dry tortugas tuesday, say that three times fast, just shy of Cuba, to try and break a line class record for big fish on ultra light tackle,
keeps it interesting!
will let ya know how it goes!

Heather said...

Wow, great news about Casey!!!! I still remember the day you got the news about Casey like it was yesterday, weird how things happen around the sales meetings, huh? I am so glad there is good news, so you don't have more things to worry about.

Just think after tomorrow, 7 down 3 to go. You are well past the hump - keep it up!!