Sunday, November 06, 2005

It's not about the shoes

no offense to lance armstrong but the above statement come directly from his amazing book "its not about the bike" you see he was asked if he could choose between having cancer and beating it or winning the tour de france he said having cancer and beating it...imagine that he choose to have cancer ...amazing statement.. one that i hope will be my greatest achievement.....not opening my own leather shop at 25 years old.....not having two wonderful children and a 25 year marriage..not being sales manager of a successful footwear company ...not playing competitive softball for over 35 years...not coaching championship baseball, basketball and soccer teams.... but to have and beat something that is invading my body and trying to remove me from this planet and all its will not deprive me of watching my children become adults and build their own lives.....of the mets one day winning it all ( and if that happens i swear my son and I will be at the game) watch my daughter teach others the true meaning of courage and the role model my wife has been to all who know her story will be an absolute honor to kick this out of my body..........i will carry myself with the dignity and the strength my parents had when they were striken at such a young age. i will learn from my friends that my life was and is worth livimg that i have made a diifference in their lives and for that I am forever grateful for the respect and love that has be given to me. where ever my road leads me... know you can bet that i will not be traveling alone....i feel each and everyone of you holding my heart in your hands....
i love you

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