Sunday, November 23, 2008


thank you for supporting this man's fight

thank you for the love you send my way

thank you for the three years of following my journey

thank you for the laughter

thank you for the tears

thank you for the calm before the storms

thank you for the encouragement you have shown

thank you for the doctors and the nurses from Sloane

thank you for the hope that you give

thank you for your friendships

thank you for your shoulders

but most of all thank you for being in my life......

Happy Thanksgiving to all ................Tom

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

RIGHT AS RAIN...for u paulie

i always wondered where that saying came from my buddy john looked it up but i still am confused about it..but my doctor told me that after my last round of chemo and my body started aching like i was hit by a truck without the truck...body slammed to the pavement without the pavement or the slam itself.....played a game of tackle football only no ball get the picture..worst case of migratory joint pain they have ever luck...i mean it hurts to even think about it ..but he said in a few days i will be "right as rain"....yeah right do not see the end in sight yet.....what a way to end my chemo..with the body ache of the century....slowly i am coming around......

was strong enough to vote and very excited about it ..i mean 8 years of this way had to be enough..either way "change is good" and my the better man win this time without any hanging chads....or other improper shanagins......

ok back to the cancer part of the story...looks like it shrunk down to a very small that we will keep both eyes on .......i think it dead......i will make sure it's dead before the next c/t scan.....